Wednesday, March 31, 2021
\r\nDr. Mark Gotcher, Superintendent
Mr. Chris Cloud, Board President
To our RSD families:
\r\nA motion and second to approve a policy requiring face coverings failed due to a majority vote by
the RSD School Board. Due to the failed motion, Russellville School District is no longer under the
executive order rescinded by Governor Hutchinson on March 30, 2021.
Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson and the Arkansas Department of Health announced on
Tuesday, March 30, that the mask mandate would be lifted effective Wednesday, March 31st.
Although it will no longer be required, RSD will allow face coverings to be optional and continue
promoting positive behaviors that keep our students and staff safe.
Russellville School District has followed the directives given by the Governor and the Arkansas
Department of Health and will continue to do so going further. We will continue to practice safety
and sanitation practices already in place, such as encouraging hand washing, providing hand
sanitizer in our schools, emphasizing social distancing, and all other Health Department directives until further announcements are made.
In spite of the challenges associated with the COVID-19 epidemic, the 2020-2021 school year has
been a success with minimal interruptions. Our continued low numbers of positive cases and those quarantined reflect this.
Students, staff, and visitors are welcome to continue to wear masks whenever at school and during school events. We expect everyone to be mindful and respectful to those who choose to do so.
Personal choice will be respected by all students and staff members.
Dr. Mark Gotcher, Superintendent of Russellville Schools
Chris Cloud, President RSD Board
Link to press release: RSD Leadership's Statement on Optional Mask Usage