RSD pandemic pay approved


As presented to the board by Mr. Jeff Holt during the Tuesday, June 8, called board meeting-


Russellville school district will use ESSER funding to provide pandemic pay for teachers and staff ( relating to preventing, preparing for, and responding to coronavirus. )


Additional compensation to teachers and other staff that work onsite


RSD employees have responded heroically to the challenges brought forth by COVID-19; therefore, it is appropriate that employees be given additional compensation for in-person job duties performed during the 2020-2021 school year. 


Structure of the Additional Compensation Pay

  • Daily Rate of Pay of $15 per day for all eligible employees based upon their attendance record that is indicated in eFinance.  

  • (Total days (178)-snow days (5) - days absent) X $15 will determine the amount of compensation per individual.  

  • Total days are days that on-site learning took place. 

  • Must be actively employed as of May 28, 2021.

  • Covers all days worked by each employee.


COVID-19 Additional Compensation Proposal- Jeff Holt, June 2021